Still broken and still a trip liability risk for the City of Quincy
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– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Center broken traffic light still broken and dangerous.
In spite of a recent Quincy Quarry exposé on the second breaking of this previously broken traffic light pole and which was thus arguably the first traffic victim along the still apparently still unfinished Hancock Street Misalignment Project, not only is this again broken pole still not fixed, a large piece of cast iron broken off of the pole is still lying at the scene and thus posing a further risk to already gravely at risk local pedestrians.
Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to the City of Quincy’s year-old Department of Traffic, Parking, Alarm and Light for comment, but then decided why bother so then ending up ignored even though this is situation is clearly a matter of obvious public safety concern.
That and potentially expensive legal liability for local taxpayers should someone be injured by any of the still lingering almost a month later accident débris.
Even so, do expect Quincy Quarry to continue to monitor the situation as well as offer personal injury attorney referrals to any and all local pedestrian accident victims who are in need of legal counsel.
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