– News involving Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

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Going once, going twice, going away for at least forty one months.
A FlynnAuctions.com image

FlynnFlam facing seven years under federal jurisdiction after sentencing.

Longtime as well as widely known to be a flynnflamer, one-time real estate mogul Dan Flynn was sentenced yesterday to four years in federal prison as well as a further three years on supervised. probation.

Best case given time off for good behavior, FlynnFlam could be out in just short of 41 months.

Suspected good behavior is likely to include Danny Boy singing given that the feds have not (yet, ed) proceeded with charges against FlynnFlam on roughly half of his total alleged illicit take.

Symbol of law and justice in the library law and justice concept

A heavy finger on the scale?
Image via symbolsnet.com

Suspected good behavior is likely to include Danny Boy singing given that the feds have not (yet, ed) proceeded with charges against FlynnFlam on roughly half of his total alleged illicit take.

As such, touts are already making book on various parlays. 

The bets include will he be singing, facing further charges if he doesn’t, relatively soon sleeping with the fishes, and the likelihood that he returned to his old ways if and when he is released from prison and then be subject to (the current, ed.) three years ordered to be served under federal parole supervision to instead be served as a guest of the government.

| quincy news

A roll of the dice
A clipart.com image

Knowing the past history as well as the rate of occurrence of leopards changing their spots, the every growing legions of loyal Quincy Quarry readers surely know how to place their bets.

As for the hearing itself, while in many ways anticlimactic, the hearing had some moments.

For example, within the context of often seemingly staged scenes, there was the supportive priest in the audience and who reminded one of Bing Crosby in a collar.

| quincy news

Going My Way?
A Paramount Pictures still image

Similarly, a City of Quincy Department head was in the court gallery.  As rumor has it that he is one of those flynnflamed where were not (yet) prosecuted by the US Attorney, one can only reasonably assume his sentiments.

Further, Quincy Quarry spotted a number of its media brethren in the courtroom, including someone from the South Shore broadsheet as well as a Pulitzer Prize winner from the Boston broadsheet.

Simply put, it is hard to imagine that a Pulitzer Prize winner would be assigned to cover a short term sentencing and so be done with it story.

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Working on a chain gang, going down down …
An old photo

Regardless, this convicted flynnflaming menace was ordered to report to his Club Fed reservation at the end of June after his restitution hearing on June 20 of this year and so begin an extended summer vacation.

As such, expect Quincy Quarry to also continue to follow the story as well as expose things as they may become know in the coming weeks and months.

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