– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy City Hall Memorial Bricks Short Of A Load?
As will likely come as no great surprise to most observant local residents as well as virtually all of the ever-growing legions of loyal Quincy Quarry readers, the replacement bricks for the controversially removed original engraved memorial bricks in front of City Hall are as crooked as the gold bricks inside of City Hall.
While there are ways to realign the engraved bricks such that their misalignment within their said to be not accurately laid out foundation and borders so as to disguise things, there is precious little that can done with the current load of gold bricks inside of City Hall until either a change of administration or perhaps the decapitation of the current administration via an indictment.
In the meanwhile, courtesy of Quincy Quarry’s sources both high but mostly low, it is the Quarry’s understanding that the masonry crew working this paving job cannot wait to be done with it and so able to flee the Q.
At the same time, with Mayor Thomas P. Koch currently seeking almost sixteen million more dollars to spend on top of the over – if not well over – six million dollars already spent on what is looking to eventually run upwards of thirty million dollars on a perhaps but two acre park, there finally appears to be some push back by at least some on the Quincy City Council against Mayor Koch’s free spending ways.
Additionally, at least two council members also have the temerity to want to see at least some of the millions instead spent on repairing some of the many pothole-filled streets and dangerously broken sidewalks that blight the Q.
That and one can only assume so behoove Mayor Koch come up with other plans to fund his over the top thirty million dollar mini park as well as the tens of millions more that he has proposed spending on other local parks.
Accordingly, Quincy Quarry readers can count on the Quarry to continue to exposé this story as future events will surely dictate.
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