– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Center street snow piles a mess but City Hall continues to be plowed
Quincy Center curbside street parking and sidewalks are a mess after the recent snowfall whereas City Hall sidewalks and parking parking spaces are perfectly cleared.
On the first sunny and calm day after suffering two snowstorms in the previous five days, curbside parking is tight in Quincy Center and so are lanes of traffic given massive snow piles walled up along the streets.
Particularly impacted by snow piles is Hancock Street.
Snow can be seen piled both high as well as near car-width wide piles in the gutters.
Also problematic is how the extended and tall snow piles are forcing drivers and passengers into the ever-increasingly mean as well as dangerous streets of Quincy as they exit and later return to their parked vehicles.
Especially hard hit are the disabled as the few handicapped parking spaces along Quincy Center streets are themselves all but disabled by snow piles.

Forcing people onto the increasingly mean & dangerous streets of Quincy & denying safe parking for the disabled
Quincy Quarry News exclusive photos
Further, even the Presidents Church’s polite request to not pile snow on its snow cut through to the curb near its parish hall entrance way has been ignored, thus impending this church’s most accessible street parking access point.

Ignoring a polite request from a church to not block pathway through the snow
Quincy Quarry News exclusive photos
Conversely, the off-street parking spaces for both VIP’s and other denizens of City Hall are as well-plowed as at least one City Hall hackster has long been known to be both after hours and on weekends.
Even further disconcerting, while City Hall’s sideways and entry ways are both well and widely clearly, the city sidewalk along the nearby main Crane Library is frozen solid and thus dangerously slippery busy walkway.

City Hall clear and safe but not very busy, library not clear and unsafe as well as very busy
Quincy Quarry News exclusive photos
Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to Department of Public Works Works Commissar Dan “Spanky” Raymondi for comment about the dangerous snow piles and such in Quincy Center as well as elsewhere around the Q.
Fortunately, however, the Quarry City Editor decided to not subject anyone on the staff to have to listen to Spanky instead go on and on and on and on even more about the hardworking men and (some, ed.) women at the DPW when – it is ever-increasingly clear that such is not the case.
Regardless, count on Quincy Quarry to continue to exposé the all but relentless snow jobs inflicted upon local residents.
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