– News about Quincy from as well as commentary by Quincy Quarry News

Campaign financea wemu Org image

The root of all campaign evil?
A wemu.org image

Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch is yet again facing a financial haircut by the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance over fraudulent campaign contributions.

While this latest Office of Campaign and Political Finance Disposition Agreement order that has so yet again behooved the Koch Committee campaign fund to yet again “disgourge” funds equal to the amount of the illegal donations provided to it came as no great surprise to Quincy Quincy other than it was less than expected, it was still good news nonetheless that state officials are at least trying to stem illegal campaign contributions grifting in Quincy.

Unfortunately, given a close read of this latest Office of Campaign and Political Finance (“OCPF”) disgorgement Disposition Agreement as well as in light of what all else Quincy Quarry is otherwise aware, it would appear that further suspected abuses have likely slipped through the cracks.

For example, note as was specially noted in this latest Disposition Agreement:

| quincy news

Messers. Matov and Shapiro headshots
Conjoined lbcboston.com photos

“(S)everal other individuals associated with Matov and Shapiro made contributions to (other political campaign fund, ed.) committees some of which are not referenced in this Agreement, OCPF’s review with respect to individuals other than Kvacheva provided no clear basis for concluding that the Respondents reimbursed those individuals for any contributions they made during the above-referenced period.”

In other words, an unknown number of suspected suspects as well as perhaps also the Koch campaign fund apparently dodged additional as well as costly bullets.

Also troubling was the following passage in the Disposition Agreement.

An ill advised facebook posting by koch spokesmodel backwalker

Koch spokesmodel Pinocchio Walkbacker
An ill-advised Facebook posting

“(T)he Office of Campaign and Political Finance, “OCPF”) has no reason to believe that the recipient committees knew or had reason to know that the $3,000 contributed by (named redacted by Quincy Quarry) as described in Section II, Paragraphs 3 through 5 were, as OCPF has concluded, made with funds provided by another until they were so notified during OCPF’s review.”

The above statement is further troubling in light of the following statement by Koch Maladministration spokesmodel Pinocchio Walkbacker that the mayor’s campaign committee works with state campaign finance oversight officials “on an incredibly regular basis (emphasis added, ed.) and is always happy to work with the office to correct any issues they flag.”

Hear say nor speak evil minons

Koch Committee campaign fundraising team team photo?
Illumination Entertainment characters

Someone has'splaining to doA Quincy Quarry News file photo

“What, me worry?”©
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

After all, Quincy Quarry is well aware of the numerous times in the past that the Koch Committee campaign has had revise faulty reports submitted by it to the OCPF.

That and the roughly the $10,000.00 in illegal campaign donations previously ordered by OCPF to be disgorged by the Koch Committee.

That and how quite some time ago Quincy Quarry duly exposéd Messers. Matov and Shapiro’s problematic night club in Alston as well as also covered news of a somewhat recent shooting outside of it.

Untouchable a desilu productions image

A Desilu Productions image

While one can readily image why the Koch Maladministration might opt to ignore Quincy Quarry’s impeccable investigative research efforts, the Maladministration can only ignore at its peril ignore official findings of the state Alcohol and Beverage Commission and/or the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Regardless, Quincy Quarry has ample as well as good reasons to suggest that this will not be the last time that Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch finds himself enmeshed within yet another scandal.

That and Quincy Quarry’s growing legions of loyal readers can expect it to continue to exposé such scandals as well as how only the Quarry has the stones to report.

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