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Quincy’s Traffic Engineer not a duly licensed engineer?

After undertaking a diligent review in the wake of the latest dime dropped Quincy Quarry’s way, it would clearly appear that the City of Quincy’s traffic engineer is currently not duly licensed as a State Engineer nor was she at the time of her hire by the city over two years ago.

Sideways street light hannon

Long as well as still broken streetlight
A Quincy Quarry News story

Per the Quarry’s review of the pertinent state database, the person currently receiving $104,450.00 a year salary – and roughly $6,000.00 more than her boss, the Director of the new Traffic, Parking, Alarm and Light Department – as the Traffic Engineer for the City of Quincy, this person appears to have let her State Engineer license lapse in 2012.

Key examples of the resultant problems of her apparent license lapse follow.

When this individual was hired in 2014, she thus further appears to have not held the standard licensure for a job as a professional engineer.

What is unclear at this point is whether or not this was overlooked or misrepresented in 2014 is unclear at this time as well as that Quincy Quarry sees no point in being stonewalled by City Hall given an the making of an inquiry into this troubling situation.

Sideways traffic light

Broken traffic lights in Quincy Center
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Also unclear is how the head of the City of Quincy Human Resources Department or at least someone on her staff apparently failed to spot this shortcoming perhaps may have let slide what one can only reasonably assume was one of the key qualifications expected of the person hired for this well-paid as well as technical professional position.

Further troubling, it only took Quincy Quarry but a few moments to discern that the person currently well-paid as the city’s traffic engineer had let her State Engineer license expire two years before her hire by the City of Quincy as its Traffic Engineer.

Granted, this individual who was hired by the City of Quincy to fill the Traffic Engineer position was said to have graduated college with a degree in engineering as well as had applicable experience at the time of her hire. 

At the same time, also having a valid State Engineer license was surely every bit as much to be expected as someone having a teaching credential to be considered for a much lower paying position as a school teacher.

Hancock st block the box

Typical commute traffic scrum in Quincy Center
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Additionally troubling is that two year licensing fee only run $150.00, plus whatever costs may need to be incurred to undertake any possible continuing professional education studies as are required of many other state professional licensures.

Further troubling is that per the state’s licensure database, reestablishing one’s lapsed State Engineer license after two or more years past its expiration would appear to entail essentially the same effort to obtain a license in the first place: proof of education, successfully passing the applicable examination(s) as well as sufficiently meeting whatever else is required.

Traffic signs mess tall

Confusing traffic light instructions
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Further even more troubling is that absent a valid State Engineer license, this person cannot legally sign off on any formal document that requires that the signatory has a valid license. 

In turn, any such document signed by someone without a license could be arguably null and void as well as so open local taxpayers to financial exposure should anything go wrong with anything done per an invalid signature.

In the meanwhile, local taxpayers have been covering a six figure salary for someone whom one can only properly view as not duly certified for the job that this person is currently holding.

Expect Quincy Quarry to continue to follow this latest curious story about hiring practices by the Koch Maladministration.

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