– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News

Traffic pedestrian crosswalk light replaced

Crosswalk light in operation on a busy street
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo

Quincy short count crosswalk signals timing exposéd by Fox 25 News.

Quincy Quarry’s media brethren at Fox 25 News just ran another very embarrassing feature on dangerous pedestrian crosswalks in the Q.

Fox found a number of local pedestrian crosswalk signals only provided six seconds of OK to cross signalization before then flipping to a Don’t Walk signal.

So what if the average healthy and able person walks at a rate of just under five feet per second and a standard lane width two-lane street with parking lanes on both sides is close to fifty feet wide, thus needing at least ten seconds to cross the street.

Unless one is running to dodge traffic, that is.

Pedestrian crosswalk light laid lowa quincy quarry news photo

Pedestrian crosswalk light laid low
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo

On a bright note, however, Fox 25 News’ coverage included one of the better deer in the headlights ambush interviews featuring the City of Quincy’s new Director of the also relatively new Traffic, Parking, Alarm and Lighting Department trying to unsuccessfully explain how a but six-second OK to cross signal was a safe and sound operating policy.

To see Fox’s coverage, go to http://www.fox25boston.com/video.

Then click once on More Videos at the bottom of the page and then scroll down to just short of the end listed videos to “Quincy residents concerned about …” 

As of the time that this Quarry story was published, Fox’s story is on the second page of videos, but as Fox 25 posts more stories, one may have click to later pages to find this video news story.

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