– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News    

Handicapped parking arrow

Do as the arrow says
A Quincy Quarry exclusive photo

Quincy trying a new approach to protect handicapped parking spaces for the handicapped?

Has Quincy’s City Hall reacted to Quincy Quarry’s recent hard-hitting expose about the horrific lack of handicapped access to City Hall?

Is the flashing traffic sign featured in this Quarry story part of new parking control and monitoring technology implemented by the City of Quincy’s new Department of Traffic, Parking, Alarm, and Light?

Unfortunately, Quincy Quarry was unable to reach out to this over two months old new city department as it has yet to have seen its contact information added to the city’s website.

Quincy city hall fortifications construction quincy news photo

A City on the Move?
An Iconic Quincy Quarry News file photo

In any event, and as do most Koch Maladministration new initiatives, this suspected latest one is also not working as the parking scofflaw exposed by exclusive Quincy Quarry photography illegally left his ride in this particularity handicapped space for at least the 20 minutes it was observed so parked by Quincy Quarry personnel and without receiving a parking ticket.

Then again, if one can pay north of $75,000.00 for a ride, one can apparently park wherever one wants to park.

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