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Quincy courthouse media frenzy

Media frenzy at Quincy District Courthouse
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Quincy District Courthouse hit with media feeding frenzy.

Quincy Quarry’s media brethren were out in force this afternoon at the Quincy District Courthouse to cover two sets of criminal arraignments.

One arraignment was over the mugging of a nun over the weekend by a female alleged perp and her also female alleged accomplish and “lookout” so as to facilitate the mugging.

The nun was not wearing her order’s habit at the time of her mugging whereas the perp allegedly both threatened her with a small knife and took the nun’s rosary beads as she was not carrying any money.

Alleged num muggers

Mugshots of the alleged nun muggers
Quincy Police Department mug shots

Amazingly, neither of the alleged perps were beaten to a pulp with a ruler.

More importantly, the nun was not hurt but was reported as shaken up by the alleged incident.

The alleged knife-brandishing perp was ordered held over on a $5,000.00 cash bail and the lookout was released on her own recognizance and a promise to appear in court on this matter at a later date.

As for the other matter, a Department of Conservation and Recreation park ranger was being held for at least a time on Monday on $10,000 cash bail following his arraignment for allegedly using a micro video camera to secretly take photos and videos of unclothed females in an employee bathroom at Houghton’s Pond in Milton.

Park ranger

Alleged park perv
A 2012 Patriot Ledger file photo

This alleged perv was arrested at his home in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Boston on Saturday and held over in custody over the weekend per a $50,000.00 cash bail figure.

Quincy Quarry was unable to obtain any statement from anyone at the Quincy District Courthouse why the alleged nun mugger who allegedly threatened the nun with a knife and is said to have a lengthy criminal record was only slapped with a $5,000.00 bail figure whereas the park ranger who is said to have no criminal record was hit with a $10,000.00 bail amount.

Regardless, Quincy Quarry expects that others will be asking why the disparate bail figures.

In the meanwhile, Quincy Quarry did obtain a statement from one of the TV news crews at the courthouse today as to how all of the news crews were most appreciative of a breaking news twofer at the same courthouse as opposed to their usual schlepping about so as to cover the news of the day.

Quincy Quarry, on the other hand, views a twofer as a slow news day in the Q.

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