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Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Serial Tree Killings and even more continue unabated.

One would think that with August summer vacation time upon us that things would quiet down in the Q, but no.

Tree killings continue apace in Quincy Center at a pace that even Weyerhaeuser would surely find impressive.

Dead tree quincy centerAfter all, we are talking about the Q.

Next up, courtesy of sources both high but mostly low, the smart bet for the actual and full completion of the Hancock Street Misalignment project will happen sometime AFTER Columbus Day. 

Just be sure to not specify in what calendar year so as to be on the safe side when you place your bet.

After all, this project was supposed to be finished in around 21 months; however at this point is looking to require more like (at least, ed.) 31 months to complete.

And speaking of this likely to also be running over-budget fiasco, the South Shore Broadsheet followed up with its own coverage that covered an earlier Quincy Quarry scoop about the confusing – if not also dangerous – traffic lights and crosswalk lights as well as the temporary signage later posted so as to attempt to explain how to understand these new confusing new lights.

Traffic signs mess Apparently, going with Old School schoolyard Red Light/Green Light was not considered.

In any event, when it comes to hard-hitting coverage of the soft underbelly that is Quincy, click on QuincyQuincy.com for the latest dirt on the all too often long-ongoing dirty doings in the Q.

For example, coming soon is the second installment of yet another exclusive series Quincy Quarry of exposés with this series exposing an apparently on the semi down/low reinforcing of the long-condemned Quincy Center MBTA station parking garage.

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