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– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News   

The Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Dangerous trafficking  as well as fishy doings continue in the Q without any clear signs of either possibly ending any time soon.

Simply put – even by Quincy Quarry’s standards, it’s been a big week for publishing exposing exposés about misdoings in the Q.

John quincy adams

The Q could sure use his brains these days
An old photo

From the latest signs of tree abuse to trees covering over a vital traffic warning sign, the Quarry has been uncovering all sorts of things wrong in the Q.

Even so, Quincy Quarry still found time to cover the national scene. 

Of particular interest as it also had a local angle was the Quarry’s covering of an article it found that ranked US Presidents by their IQ’s as well as noted the IQ’s of some of those who have campaigned for president this year.

Spoiler Alert:  John Quincy was smart – wicked smart.

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Gaming a plan?
A Nintendo & Electronics Arts image

Conversely, this week Quincy Quarry broached the possibility of gaming going on with the so-called planning of the long promised but still pending New Quincy Center.Who could have imagined that?

Well, Quincy Quarry did.

And on other fronts as well as always, those in the know in the Q know to turn to Quincy Quarry News to find about the last fish rot in the Q.

After all, the Quarry isn’t Google’s top-ranked source for News about Quincy for nothing!

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