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– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News 

Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap:  Fishy doings and dangerous trafficking continue in the Q.

Things in the Q continue to heat up with the summer weather.

Unfortunately for Quincy’s City Hall, its readily obvious plans to try to slip it to locals yet again aren’t slipping through the cracks during the dog days of summer.

Campaign financea wemu Org image

The mother’s milk of politics
A wemu.org image

For example, the South Shore broadsheet stuck it to the mayor over his outsized even for him rewarding of his minions with various new high paying new coat holding patronage positions

And for another bit of Tammany Hill sorts of behavior, one of Quincy Quarry’s ever growing legions of Citizen Journalists advised the Quarry that city employees had been spotted cleaning up and trimming things at a Hough’s Neck restaurant’s parking lot.  

Unfortunately, however, this Quincy Quarry Citizen Journalist was not also a Citizen Photojournalist.

| quincy news

Do as I say not as I should do
A Facebook photo

In any event, private property notwithstanding, one can only assume that the cleanup was viewed as kosher by city management.  

After all, the mayor has long been planning to buy this privately owned parking lot for silly money and yet still let the restaurant continue to use the parking lot.

After all, hosting high roller campaign fund raisers usually does result in all sorts of favors in return.

Kochonomics – you gotta love it!  

Unless that it, one is a local taxpayer

That and how ordering this clean up might help keep Quincy’s Number One ward heeler (somewhat, ed.) quiet – at least for awhile.

Pedestrian lights instructions conjoined

Leading pedestrians to slaughter?
A Hawk Signal instructions graphic
Click on image for larger image to read

Further troubling, the Quarry is continuing to uncover ever more grave concerns for pedestrians in Quincy Center. 

In this case, how they are being let astray, if not also to potential slaughter.  At this point, only when appears to be seen.

As always, for the real news of what is breaking badly for the Q, turn to Quincy Quarry.

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