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Legal Seafoods CEO enters 2016 Presidential race.
Legal Seafoods CEO Roger Berkowitz has tossed one of his flounders into the ring in what has long been a fishy – if not also overly long as well as thus especially gamey – presidential campaign season.
While admittedly late in the going as well as that other candidates are continuing to bail out of the scrum, Berkowitz has come forward with some of boldest as well as truly unique campaign promises.
For example, while more than a bit stiff in his official video presentation, Berkowitz came out in support of Gay Rights given his long offering Rainbow Trout – check out the official campaign video:

as well as seeks to keep our borders open to make Legal Seafoods’ fish tacos legal for all

to promising to see seaweed made legal

Again, while late in the going, an outsider with proven experience on the Fish Pier going head to head with Teamsters as well as tastefully dealing with all sorts of other slimy things are clearly strong positives for a candidate at the time when strong as well as legit experience are clearly needed.
For more about Mr. Berkowitz’s presidential ad campaign, check out his social media @feeltheberk
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