– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News

Triple violation illegal parking?
A Quincy Quarry infrared night photo
Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch continues to traffick in illegal parking.
While on the way to church on Ash Wednesday evening, a Quincy Quarry reporter happened upon the mayor’s clearly overcompensating big old ride illegally parked on the street near Quincy District Courthouse while under the probably assumed to be safe cover of darkness.
Major day in the Christian calendar as well as close proximity to the local seat of civil and criminal adjudication notwithstanding, the mayor’s ride was found parking illegally in a duly signed no parking zone that was also posted as a construction zone no parking zone as well as well within the 20 foot no parking allowed public safety buffer zone at street corners and thus a parking violation trifecta.
Quincy Quincy briefly considered reaching out to Quincy Chief of Police Paul “The Beav” Keenan for comment as to why his department does not crackdown on his frequently illegally parking brother-in-law the mayor – but then the City Editor opined that The Beav is surely hunkered for the duration given a state review, a purported federal investigation and now finally even local inquiries pending over woefully apparent local police detail mismanagement.
In the meanwhile, many of the rest of local residents continue to scramble to find ever increasingly scarce parking in the Q whereas the mayor apparently sees Quincy as his city and he’s gonna park where he wants to, park wherever he wants to.
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