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Special interests
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– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News

Koch campaign fund whacked twice more over illegal contributions.

In two separate rulings, the heads of two trucking companies who have long provided contracted services to the City of Quincy have been sanctioned by the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance over their use of straw campaign contributors in violation of applicable Massachusetts General Laws.

Also note that both of these companies made out very nicely on last winter’s $13.7 million –  and still counting – Snow Job.

Whether or not but most likely other city vendors are also going to be similarly sanctioned by the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance remains to be exposed.

In the meanwhile, these latest Office of Campaign and Political Finance sanction letters can be seen here and here.

Out of town plow truck on a break A quincy quarry news file photo click on image for larger version to read signage

One of the offenders taking a break?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

One of the offenders was fined $3,500.00 as well as banned from making any campaign contributions to any Massachusetts candidate or political committee through December 31, 2017 per a Disposition Agreement and the other was told to never do it again.

Fortunately for the Koch Committee, the mayor will not perhaps be running for reelection until 2019 and thus will still potentially have at least two years to go back to the well for contributions from these cited two illegal campaign contributors.

The russian front is looking pretty good by comparison

They knew nothing
A Bing Crosby Productions image

Also fortunate for Koch, in both instances Koch campaign officials claimed that they knew nothing about the illegal straw contributions and that the Office of Campaign and Political Finance, in turn, again tolerated this excuse.

Unfortunately for the Koch Committee, however, it will have to “disgourge” itself of the $2,850.00 in illegal campaign contributions on top of the $7,000.00 disgorgement already ordered over the illegal Quirk campaign contributions and as previously covered by Quincy Quarry.

Untouchable a desilu productions image

The OCPF yet again gets its man
A Desilu Productions image

Further unfortunate, per a review of the most recent Koch Committee filing with the Office of Political and Campaign Finance and a few easy calculations, the Koch Committee would currently appear to facing a net accrual deficit of at least $22,000.00 in the wake of its record breaking going away spending of somewhere north of $686,000.00 to all but literally buy its way to reelection.

While only a 3.2% cost overrun and thus nothing per Koch’s usual free spending ways, the Koch Committee’s (current, ed.)  deficit spending alone is close to 10% of that his opponent spent in total.

Quincy's hairless leaderA YouTube video still image

A previous fundraising close shave
A YouTube video still image

Conversely, per the opponent’s latest filing with the Office of Political and Campaign Finance, the opponent’s campaign appears to have prudently finished up with a near three digit surplus in its bank account.

Although admittedly a short money surplus, as near as Quincy Quarry can tell as well as in contrast, neither the Koch Committee nor any major Koch Maladministration initiative over which it has had full managerial control has ever finished on budget, much less completed with any surplus funds leftover.

Expect Quincy Quarry to continue to closely monitor the campaign funds misdoings in the Q as well as report on them as the likely continue to hit the fan.

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