Ward heeler soliciting in the library?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Other problems included that the ward heeler still opted to press for the City Council to vote on moving forward with ultimately her proposal to purchase the parking lot late last spring in spite of the fact that the restaurant is (currently, ed.) required to have its current level of off street parking capacity parking lot per local operating permit requirements and would thus be out of compliance with applicable code if it were to sell its parking lot.
Further problematic yet, as the local boating season is only active for roughly 5 months a year, one can only reasonably assume that the restaurateur is at least tacitly expecting that his patrons will be able to enjoy ready access and likely to be free use of the proposed city parking lot for at least 7 months out of the year.
Fortunately, in a rare display of spinal rectitude, the council pressed her to postpone consideration of her parking lot purchase proposal to be funded with taxpayers’ funds to the clear as well as suspect benefits of a private business.

A naughtical theme
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Numerous as well as obvious problems with just this point alone in the greater context, the ward heeler apparently sees nothing wrong.
Then again, this lack of vision may be clouded by the fact that the restaurateur hosted a number of apparently pro bono reelection campaign events for the ward heeler earlier this year.
Expect Quincy Quarry to continue to follow this and the myriad of other apparent ethical as well as other obvious shortcomings of Quincy’s Number One Ward Heeler.
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