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City hall sodded

Quincy sodded yet again
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Quincy taxpayers and Adams Green sodded.

The sodding continues.

After years of cluttered use as a construction staging area, the front of City Hall and even longer proposed site of Adams Green was sodded late last week so as to try to dress up things for the rededication of old City Hall in the wake of its way over budget, also way late as well as not exactly historically accurate makeover.

That and even then even Mayor Tom Koch was overheard at the reopening of old City Hall that work on it was still unfinished.

Dpw workers actually working to clean up the messa quincy quarry news photo

DPW workers actually working to clean up a mess
A Quincy Quarry News photo

When the full Mayor Koch’s grandiose plans for a $30 million makeover of the currently sparse landscaping in front of City Hall might actually commence depends on when roughly $25 million in as yet funded project funding might perhaps actually be secured.

At present,  Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch is on record as saying work on Adams Green could commence in 2017.

Events all too common to date, however, would suggest that taking the over of at least a couple of years later would be the smart bet.

That and that how the long ongoing sodding of local taxpayers will surely continue.

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