– Quincy news from Quincy Quarry News

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Disabled use of parking denied in Quincy Center
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Quincy Center handicapped parking disabled.

Parking continues to be scarce in Quincy Center given the running late Hancock Street misalignment project as well as the also running late old City Hall renovation project.

Even worse, parking appears to be even more scarce for the disabled.

The downed disabled parking sign photo-documented herein by Quincy Quarry was still down today after also being down over this past weekend.

Koch parking trafficking

Koch truck illegally parked in front of church?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Further troubling, the vehicle also photo-documented as parking in what should be a reserved parking space for the disabled this morning was neither sporting disabled parking tags or a parking citation.

Most troubling of all, however, is how these shortcomings were found right adjacent to City Hall.

Expect Quincy Quarry to continue to expose scarce parking as well as parking abuse in the Q.

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