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Will he stay or will he go?  Participate in a Quincy Quarry pre-election poll!

Quincy Quarry readers are encouraged to cast their preferences the Quincy Way in advance of an upcoming election suspected by at least some to be fraught with voting early, often and otherwise.

Long suspect quincy accu vote voting machines need report name

Long suspect Quincy Accu-Vote voting machines
University of CT Voting Technology Research Center photo

Speaking of otherwise, expect shortly yet another hard hitting into the soft underbelly exposé of how Quincy’s long time polling machines are at least as suspect the Koch Maladministration’s various projects, most of its financials as well as its all but invariably slipping completion date predictions.
While Quincy’s ancient voting machines are not impacted by hanging chads as they are optical readers, their myriad of problems include that they can readily be gamed in a variety of ways, including via the use of 3M Post-it® stickers and thus perhaps something so simple that even the variously challenged Koch Maladministration might be able to adequately master.
Ballot x icon

Ballot stuffing?
A stock photo image

In any event, expect yet another hard hitting exposé into the soft underbelly of Quincy election trafficking activity as regards this potential additional way to impact local vote tallies The Quincy Way.
In the meanwhile, feel free to participate in Quincy Quarry’s likely to be the final local publicly available voter preference poll results on this year’s mayoral election battle royale by taking this latest Quincy Quarry News poll.
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Take our  poll

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