<![CDATA[Koch sign out for scavanger
– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Koch sign trafficking continuing to go down?
Yet another Quincy Quarry Citizen Photojournalist photo has hit the Quincy Quarry City Desk and yet again the picture tells at least a thousand words.
The only unknown words are if the sign trafficking Koch was put in the trash in reaction to embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s tough night at at Tuesday’s mayoral campaign debate or as a result of a nearby business owner taking offense over a personal “request” by the now also financially embattled incumbent that the business owner up his current $500.00 Koch Club Gold Card membership to $1,000.00 Diamond Tom Koch Club status.

Stooges golfing

Stooges golfing

Also unknown at this point is whether – or not – Sunset Trash – a $5,0o0.00 Koch Über Alles Golf Club member – picked up the sign or if it called in the down sign into the Koch for Koch sign trafficking field operations unit at the DPW for a replacement reinstallation.
As such, be sure to check back for further developments as they continue to break – and probably badly.
In the meanwhile, Quincy Quarry has been receiving reports of a recent rash of green campaign lawn sign vandalizing around the Q.
Quincy Quarry did not reach out for comment to Team Blue as most everyone in the Q knows it has long been avoiding responding to – at least not forthcomingly –  to any questions asked of it.
That and lawn signs don’t vote.
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