– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy ward one ward heeling and violating go to new levels?
The many long suffering residents of Quincy not on their ward heeler’s Facebook friends list are now facing abuses by her fellow travelers.
In recent days, the Facebook page for the Hough’s Neck Community Council (“HNCC”, a duly established and thus must be non-partisan 501c3 tax exempt not for profit organization, has been rife with partisan postings, flamings and worse.

Hough’s Neck lawn gnome trashed by trashed 2014 Chowdafest attendee.
A QQ Citizen Photojournalist photo.
It appears that Nekker trolls have yet again came out with a vengeance to wreak havoc upon the innocent after someone posted a clip of video from the first candidates’ forum held this election season, along with some inserted graphic comments, on the Hough’s Neck Community Council’s Facebook page.
The video pointedly as well as soundly questioned the questionable ethics of Quincy’s number one ward heeler.
In point of further fact, so expressing concerns about the ward heeler’s long suspect ethics was perfectly kosher as regards the Hough’s Neck Community Council’s 501c3 tax exempt status.
The key reason that no obvious 501c3 violation occurred is that the poster of the video expressed only outrage over the ward heeler’s ethics and actions while in office as opposed to calling for anyone among the Hough’s Neck Community Council Facebook page membership to vote for someone else come this November’s election.
In response to this sound as well as seemingly allowed critical free speech video posting, one of the ward heeler’s supporters then posted a scanned image of the ward heeler’s partisan bumper sticker, a clear and obvious partisan action that is disallowed per the Hough’s Neck Community Council’s 501c3 federal tax exempt status as the included image is a key part of the campaign reelection material of the ward heeler.
Granted, while this Nekker noted a disclaimer to his post, the Neck is the Neck and his disclaimer does not cut it.
Then another HNCC Facebook ward heeler friend posted a similar and thus improper post also featuring the ward heeler’s campaign graphic.
Along the way, the administrator for the Hough’s Neck Community Council Facebook page took down the video criticizing the ward heeler while leaving the clearly partisan and thus proscribed bumper sticker posts on the site.
That the HNCC Facebook page administrator is also the ward heeler’s campaign manager is surely but a coincidence, however.
Regardless, expect Quincy Quarry to continue to cover this story as it both deserves.
For example, how this ward heeler is planning to host a meet and greet fundraising event on October 22 at The Hofbrau on Sea Street.
In short, yet again politics proves itself adept at making strange bedfellows.
Ethics? I don’t need no stinkin’ ethics.