– News from elsewhere spotted by Quincy Quarry News
Biden about to throw a rubber chicken into the ring?
As has long been expected given that the currently struggling putative Democratic Presidential nominee is ever-increasingly looking to perhaps be facing trouble over security issues, Vice President Joe Biden is looking to test the water in Florida.
Not for a long overdue retirement, but rather yet another run for the White House.
If successful and then elected president, Biden would be a couple years older than was long accused of less than sentient Ronald Reagan when Reagan he was first sworn into office.
On the other hand, Biden is a year younger than the Democrats’ unexpected new campaign stump rock star Bernie Sanders.
Regardless, Quincy Quarry looks forward to Joe entering the fray given his long history of comic foibles as well as years ago was a de facto follicle embarrassment for The Hair Club for Men®.
After all, if the Quarry is known for anything, it is for taking full advantage of easy shots to take.
That and the current chump on the national stump looks to soon become fish wrap for someone else who is increasingly looking to become local chum, if not also federal shark bait.
In short, Quincy Quarry News readers have nothing to fear about the Quarry’s future viability so long there are politicians to cover as well as uncover for what they are.
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