<![CDATA[New sidewalk for votes A quincy quarry news photo
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Quincy sidewalks traded for campaign support appears to have commenced early this campaign season.
The long ongoing local practice – if not also long grifted local tradition – of trading special treatment for some privileged local property owners at the expense of all local taxpayers in the run up to local elections appears to have resumed yet again.
In fact, this year trafficking in the gifting of new sidewalks appears to be reaching new levels given what is expected to be hard fought struggle this year for embattled incumbent Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch to protect both his political career as well as his considerable posterior in general.

Dpw commissar dan spanky raymondia city of quincy photo

DPW Commissar Spanky
A City of Quincy photo

City of Quincy Department of Public Works Commissar Dan “Spanky” Raymondi has repeatedly as well as overly long touted his so-called sidewalk repair practice reforms of prioritizing repairs per actual need as well as also endeavouring to coordinate doing multiple adjacent sidewalk repairs at the same whenever possible so as to see the most bang for taxpayers’ bucks.
Conversely, however, Quincy Quarry as well as many of its loyal readers have noticed a massive uptick in single property sidewalk replacements along side of certain of the increasingly mean streets of the Q.
Further, an all but consistent pattern observed in recent week is that the replaced sidewalks were actually not in all that bad shape, and especially not so bad in comparison with other nearby untouched sidewalks.
Sidewalks for votes

Nearby sidewalk with above repair site in the background
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Additionally typical is that many of the recently replaced sidewalks around the Q appear to all but invariably done at single property parcels which surely but coincidentally possess prominent frontage on busy streets.
In addition to the obvious vote grifting favor so provided, other benefits also accrue to the duly embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch.
For example, certain favored DPW workers can so accrue even more overtime regardless of work rules that mandate a per Civil Service list opportunity for all DPW workers to have an equal chance to earn overtime pay.
Certain dpw workers doing what they are know for doinga quincy quarry news photo

Certain DPW workers doing what they are known for doing. A QQ News file photo

In turn, the lesser of these favored workers can so readily scout and so plan things where they are expected to work for free setting up campaign signs in the coming weeks.
After all, tacit quid pro quo is not exactly proscribed in the state – and especially the city – where “patronage happens.”
As such, Quincy Quarry photo teams will be revisiting many of the recent single property sidewalk replacement sites in coming weeks as campaign lawn signs also also but literally flood as well as litter the local scene.
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