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Wollaston beach

Paint spilled, not blood – honest
A QQ Citizen Journalist photo

Wollaston Beach trashed yet again.

A loyal Quincy Quarry reader and regular contributor to the cause provided the photos for this report which were taken during on a recent walk along Wollaston Beach.

Not since the considerable trash that accumulated along the beach along Quincy Shore Drive during last winter’s barely record-setting snowfall has this Quincy Quarry Citizen Journalist seen the beachfront such a mess.

Problems including finding a red paint spill on the sidewalk and which caused many a second look by passersby who at first glance had thought that the spill was blood.

Elsewhere along the beach’s promenade was a long trail of “dog drops.”

Wollaston beach

“Dog drops” on the sidewalk
A QQ Citizen Journalist photo

Granted, while not full on dog logs, the drops were still dog mines as far as any pedestrians were concerned, especially those either barefoot or wearing flip-flops.

Plus, dog drops are not something even a responsible pet owner might have been able to readily clean up even if so inclined.

Other problems on the waterfront included not only how Wollaston Beach was trashed, but also that a disabled and so-called “Tubster” model solar-powered trash compactor surely added to the overall mess.

What was not clear was was this particular Tubster trashed from abuse, broken from too much use or if it was merely not properly reset after a trash pick-up.

Regardless, the whole theory behind the use of Tubster solar trash compactors is that they are supposed to compact trash such that trash is reduced to 20% of its original volume and so reduce the need for pick-ups by 80%.

Wollaston beach

Disabled Tubster
A QQ Citizen Journalist photo

Obviously, with this Tubster out of service, old-fashioned as well as more frequent trash pick-ups are needed; however, such extra pick-ups are unlikely if most of the other Tubsters on this particular trash collection route are functioning reasonably effectively.

Unfortunately, Wollaston Beach waterfront has long been problematic turf – or, to be more accurate, often shifting sands over time.

Reasons include that it is the Massachusetts Department of Conservation’s responsibility to maintain the beach and the State Police to police, with any support from the City of Quincy often less than likely under the best of circumstances.

Unfortunately, the best of circumstances are unlikely as cooperation between Quincy City Hall and the Corner Office on Beacon Hill are widely suspected to have gone the way of most Koch relationships.

The only bright spot is that this has been a relatively dry summer and thus rain-fueled beach closings in the Q have been modest, not that anyone in her or his right mind would ever want to swim in the harbor unless they could not make to one of the few public restroom facilities along Wollaston Beach.

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