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Quincy Code Red on local ambulance contract award?
Fallon Ambulance has called foul on the City of Quincy’s recent award of the local ambulance service contract to Brewster Ambulance.
Among other things, Fallon alleges that a personal vendetta by a member of the city’s selection committee improperly impacted the contract award decision to change over to Norwood-based Brewster Ambulance after many years of Fallon both serving Quincy as well as having extensive support facilities in Quincy, including its corporate headquarters.

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Embattled incumbent’s Administration questioned
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Fallon has announced that it will be seeking a court injunction to delay any change in the ambulance service in Quincy until the award decision process is more fully reviewed.
Brewster Ambulance is no stranger to controversy.  Its recent receipt of the ambulance service contract is reportedly undergoing a federal grand jury inquisition.
With at least some parallels with the situation in Quincy – including that both cities reopened their respective ambulance service contract roughly concurrently after decades of both cities’ relying on their still current providers as well as mayoral campaign fund contributions made by parties tied to both ambulance companies, one can only reasonably suspect that the City of Quincy’s decision to also change over to Brewster Ambulance may well result in also subjecting City of Quincy officials to questioning by the grand jury.
Quincy Quarry will continue to follow this story as – after all – lives literally hang in the balance.
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