Coddington park and forestry cis team

Park and Forestry CSI investigation team?
A Quincy Quarry News Crime Investigation Team photo

– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.

Quincy Park and Forestry Crime Scene Investigation Team at the scene of serial crimes?

Finally, but only after the recent mulching of the long dead sideways tree at Coddington Hall along with four of its similar dead conifers, Quincy Quarry can only properly now finally report spotting a landscaping review team headed by the Executive Director of the City of Quincy’s Park and Forestry Department reviewing the crime scenes of wasted good plants and good money.

Coddington's Sideways tree lies in wakeA Quincy Quarry News photo

Late Sideways tree; ashes to ashes, mulch to mulch.
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Clearly, this Park and Forestry CSI team were apparently reviewing landscaping near the senselessly tragic death scene of the five now late conifers.

At the same time, they were on opposite side of Coddington Hall from the death scene of the Conifer family.

Even so, some credit should still be given to this CSI team for at least being on property at least generally nearby where the late sideways tree and its four family members had all passed on last fall given heat stressing and the lack of timely watering when they were inexplicably – if not also inexcusably – planted during the heat of midsummer last summer.

Still, Quincy Quarry must report additional new – if not also serial – plant killings in the area.

Victims include roughly a dozen recently planted holly bushes as well as at least various other smaller ground cover plantings.

What day did the budding holly die A quincy quarry news photo

What day did the budding holly die?
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Quincy Quarry did not bother reaching out to the Koch Maladministration as it is surely taking the Fifth at this point on just about any – if not essentially all – unappreciated questions asked of it.

The Quarry did, however, reach out to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Plants and its spokesperson Douglas Fir became so verklempt upon hearing of the killings as to be as stiff as a board.

Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry to follow this long ongoing spree of serial plant killings until such time as the malefactor or malefactors are finally subjected to the justice deserved.

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