– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News


Koch voguing with city workers

Koch voguing with City Workers with French Cuffs uncuffed
A Koch for Koch Facebook photo

Will Quincy’s embattled Mayor Thomas P. Koch be going to come out in support of the LGBT community during this Saturday’s Quincy Flag Day Parade?

After all, this year’s Flag Day Parade in Quincy parade will on the same day as the far more well-attended Boston (LGBT) Pride Parade.

Plus, such a show of tolerance – and however late in the game as even Evangelicals as well as Pope Francis are starting come around – couldn’t hurt his already sagging support this election year.

Not a quincy police special operations motorcycle officera pride  photo

Not a Quincy Police Special Operations motorcycle officer
A Pride 2008 photo

After all, whoever doesn’t have at least one manner of LGBT relative, friend, or at least an acquaintance who is in deep denial.

That and Quincy’s embattled mayor has long been know for his surely custom-tailored, if not also at least attempting to approach debonair wardrobe.

Plus, if nothing else, the Quincy Flag Day Parade has long been overdue for some livening up, not to mention has long been a long way from all that lively in the first place.

On the other hand, will Quincy’s duly embattled incumbent mayor instead as well as yet again prove that Samuel Adams was right?

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