– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.

Koch skips buffett but cuts cheese and goes square

Mayor Thomas Koch cuts and then runs
A Koch for Koch Facebook photo

Quincy Center’s  newest restaurant survives a visit by gourmand as well as duly embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch.
This past Thursday a new restaurant in Quincy Center hosted its official public opening.

As expected, given the opportunity for a photo op as well as the likelihood of free food, photo op maven nonpareil as well as duly embattled Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch came a calling.

Not expected, however, is that he only stuck around for long enough to stage the photo op cutting of the ceremonial grand opening ribbon and then left abruptly without even setting foot inside the restaurant or saying much, much less sampling its ample as well as tasty samplings. 

Ward  ward heelera city of quincy photo

Ward 1 ward-heeler
A City of Quincy photo

Obviously, the last non-action by Quincy’s legendary diner left many gobsmacked.

At the same time, publication deadlines precluded Quincy Quarry from confirming – or not – rumors that he instead cut the cheese after cutting the ribbon.

Quincy Quarry can, however, confirm that Ward I City Councillor ward-heeler as well as frequent inconvenience stuck around for hours after the photo op ribbon-cutting working the hustings given that she too is a deservedly embattled incumbent.

Additionally, wearing – as usual for her – a too little and in this case little black dress, it is only reasonable to assume that at least some patrons may have mistakenly assumed that she might be the restaurant’s hostess.

Food critic and knife thrower extraordinaire julie child

Critic and knife thrower extraordinaire Julie Child
A Quincy Quarry staff member photo

Fortunately, the restaurant’s already best in Quincy cuisine as well as expert service by its actual staff will surely overcome any possible detrimental sentiments arising from her self-serving intrusions upon their otherwise gastronomic dining experience.

Expect a full review of this first culinary as well as truly professional service fine dining establishment in the Q by Quincy Quarry food critic Julie Child after she finishes up sampling its many courses of delicious dining options.

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