Police protecting whom as well as on whose nickel?
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better see Bellotti back to back with QPD
Even Norfolk County Sherriff Belotti turned his back on Koch as Koch crossed the line while Belotti was on the sidewalk among picketers both pressing the flesh and chatting with protesting union members.
Others also crossing the picket line were often seen doing so in ways ranging from hoping to not be spotted by the picketers to wishing they could have just mailed in their tribute check to racing past the picket such that it was amazing that none of the picketers were struck.
At the same time, it is only proper to note that the several police officer detail trying to manage the considerable trafficking did the best they could under difficult circumstances.
Given a tight publication deadline, Quincy Quarry was not able to determine if this was a campaign-paid for detail or a freebie care of mayoral brother-in-law and Quincy Police Chief Paul “The Beav” Keenan. That and the Quincy Police Department is not exactly known for its forthcoming phone call response practices.
While Quincy Quarry could not tell how many invitees decided to drive on rather than cross the picket line so that they could pull into the Elks’ parking lot, it can report that a number of passersby honked their horns and variously gave at least one digit up waves to the long throngs of protesters lining both sidewalks.
In any event, among those spotted crossing the line was longtime City of Quincy City Clerk Joe Shea.
The Clerk surely had no problem finding the place as he is both a member of the local Elks Lodge as well as intimately familiar with its card tables. Inexplicably, the Clerk was then spotted driving out of the driveway moments later and then hastily driving away from the scene.
Additionally, Quincy Quarry spied many not quite late model Ford Crown Vics and older Lincoln Town Cars sporting the all but de riguer semi-low number vanity license plates of the hacktocracy as well as more than a few high-end German imports driven by various sorts of suspected special interests types.
Various other locals officials also at least suspected of crossing the picket line include Quincy Ward 1 Councillor Margaret LaForest, whom Quincy Quarry has variously recounted her disfavor among her constituents previously, in spite of her husband’s membership in IBEW Local 2222 as well as given its endorsement of her reelection in what is expected to be a hotly contested race.
Only time will tell if her lap dog ward heeling given her crossing the line will hurt – or help – her on election day.
As always, expect Quincy Quarry to continue feature by far the most hard-hitting coverage into the considerable underbellies of Quincy’s often well-fed fat hacks.
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By the looks of his rotundness, I think he succeeded.
Tubs never – EVER – skips the buffet line.
That and never going without a third helping, four squares meals AND snacks a day, etc.