Desperately needed parking spaces blocked by orange cones
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better see new 30 minute limit parking sign
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy City Hall reneges on promise to provide desperately needed public parking in Quincy Center.
Just when some remaining few gullible persons were lead to perhaps consider believing Koch Maladminisration spokesmodel Chris “Pinocchio” Backwalker that ” . . . about 10 of the parking spots in the city hall lot (in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station) soon will be opened up to the general public for short-term use,” Backwalker’s words yet again proved to be not exactly accurate.
Rather than provide the promised to hard-pressed Quincy Center businesses given the Hancock Street realignment project that some public parking spaces would be carved out of the City Hall and long suspected VIP commuter free parking reserved parking lot in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station, spaces were instead designated for short term use for those doing business with City Hall.
And the business was then further given to hard-pressed merchants as at least one Friend of Koch was digitally caught by Quincy Quarry overstaying the 3o minute limit.

Friend of Koch gambled on parking, only to crap out.
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better see new 30 minute limit parking sign
Adding insult to injury, this same Friend of Koch had a City Hall parking sticker on display on her – but more likely his – dash while hogging a parking space that one can only reasonable assume per the new parking signage should only be used by short time visitors doing business at City Hall.
Whether – or not – the registered owner of this vehicle is – in fact – a city employee who might actually have one of the many feather bed jobs at City Hall or is instead one of a number of long suspected VIP commuter free parking abusers will remain unknown until such time as plate on the truck can be run.
Similarly, one can only wonder why City Hall has long felt it necessary to have over 60 reserved parking spaces when it probably does not have that many employees at City Hall who actually work.
One cannot help but also wonder that if the City is permitting new and said to be upscale apartment buildings with less than a half a parking space per apartment, surely at least some City Hall employees can, say, carpool to work.
Either that or park at the nearby and city-owned Ross Garage.
Regardless, the parking problem during the Hancock Street realignment project was widely expected.
Amazingly, truer words have never been uttered by any city official as during both the community meetings as well as at a City Council meeting last year, abutters to the Hancock Street realignment project repeatedly asked that city officials make some parking spaces available to the public in the City Hall lot in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station.
In turn, and as one can only expect happened, the various public officials at these meetings had no desire whatsoever to see this perk withdrawn from them, other city employees and the various long suspected VIP commuters with free use City Hall parking stickers.
Expect further coverage by Quincy Quarry as City Hall is sure to continue Q-ing up on this as well as the many other problems facing local residents care of the Koch Maladministration.
The merchants on Hancock in front of the Quincy T are suffering from lack of business due to no parking. Shame on the Mayor and City Hall. It’s bad enough that merchants took a big hit from a very tough Winter, now city hall takes their customers parking away. Shamefull and some noise needs to be made!
Mr. Pizzi,
Thanks for your input.
In turn, expect QQ to continue to make noise on this and the many other shortcomings of Quincy’s also short mayor.
Downtown Quincy is one big pothole. Never ending construction and road work. No parking to be found. No shortage of traffic either. A nightmare whether it is the morning commute, evenings or even mid afternoons. It is hell to drive anywhere near City Hall. My heart goes out to the businesses that have lost street parking. Unfortunately for Quincy businesses, I just keep going. Going to other restaurants elsewhere that have parking! The lack of parking has made it impossible for me to support local businesses.