– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Park and Forestry workers keep chilling when a grilling is perhaps instead deserved?
A wicked serious grilling.
As previously exposéd by a Quincy Quarry Citizen Journalist whistleblower, City of Quincy Park and Forestry Department personnel continue to futz around with a barbecue grill at Pageant Field within Merrymount Park with no clear signs of merely impending success preparing it in time for the summer barbecue season.
In a display of journalist bravery just short of war correspondents, this fearless Quincy Quarry Citizen Journalist Whistleblower has continued to seek the well-warranted grilling of the Park and Forestry Department.
The reason for this grilling: suspect Park and Forestry project management of a simple barbecue renovation project that has taken up considerable resources as well as taken far longer than just anyone might otherwise expect.
Other than apparently at least certain City of Quincy employees would deem necessary, that is.
Given this brave whistleblower’s multiple recent forays absent armed military escorts normally accorded war correspondents to just steps outside of the concertina wire topped perimeter of the Park and Forestry Department’s meticulously landscaped as well as widely reputed to be an all but Country Club compound, Quincy Quarry is thus able to provide a telling a photographic exposé of this latest less than cost-effective, less than timely as well as yet to be completed City of Quincy construction project.
To date, the repairs appear minimal, if not also sloppy masonry work given that even the less than handy crew at Quincy Quarry know that a brick barbecue, fire pit or fireplace should to be lined with refractory grade bricks as much as possible whereas the use of mortar – even refractory grade mortar – is to be conversely minimized.

Fire safety first and foremost is always is the best way to avoid dangerous fires
a QualityPedalCars.com © photo
Granted, in this instance, grave fire safety concerns are not of as much concern at this city facility as at – for but one example – the old City Hall interminable renovation project site; however, this repair work is still all but sure to begat the need for much sooner re-repair work than if this ultimately basic brick repointing sort of project was done right in the first place.
Further, assuming an eminently fair – if not also generously conservative – estimate of time futzing on the clock by an average of one and half workers per day for five days with benefits included – but EXCLUSIVE of any additional equipment or materials costs – at an average hourly labor rate of $75 per hour, Quincy Quarry’s crack-addled financial analysis team has discerned the City of Quincy could have just as easily replaced the old grill with one fine new one and still had more than enough money left over to buy both an extra heavy duty case hardened steel chain to chain it down as well as more than few summers worth of propane.
Alternatively, a new brick-based barbecue replacement could have surely could have easily been built in a day – or two, max – by the brick mason in the Park & Forestry’s cemetery unit for a fraction of the taxpayer-funded resources futzed away to date on the old one.
In addition to the obvious explanation that no one thought of so quickly as well as inexpensively building a new brick barbecue, it is also only reasonable to suspect that restrictive silo sorts of work rules – or at least work practices – likely precluded the Park and Forestry cemetery unit’s brick mason from traveling but a quarter mile from the Mount Wollaston Cemetery maintenance compound to build a new brick barbecue grill for short money.
So what also that previously a now retired City of Quincy brick mason has long as well as widely been rumored to have traveled as far North Quincy to do a purported favor for a certain senior city official his residence.
And yet some locals still wonder why local property taxes are so high but city services provided in return would appear to not exactly yield commensurate rates of returns.
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