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Embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch
An old Facebook photo

– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.

Quincy Center’s new developers cited for liquor law violations in Allston.

Quincy embattled Mayor Koch rolled out with his usual photo op modus operendi his latest big plans for perhaps finally as well as actually redeveloping Quincy Center.

Also as per the all typical local usual, it appears that due diligence may well have again been overlooked by the Koch Maladministration.

For example, one of the three companies involved is run by a couple of his cousins.

And another of the three companies is run by a local family real estate development company with a problematic history of family issues.

Andrianshapiro profile

Andrian Shapiro, LBC partner
An LBC Boston photo

Most of all, however, are things left unaddressed – or at least unmentioned – by the third leg of the redevelopment stool: LBC Boston & Partners Properties.

On top of LBC Boston’s hosting a company website that arguably baits more questions – as well as at least the occasional surely unintended giggle – than it answers, both LBC Boston and its two principles often make note of their significant involvement with the Russian Benevolent Society and which at least originally was purported to be an ethnic social club.

Not as obvious, however, is how this ethnic social club has expanded to include the open to the public upscale, if not also opulent, Crystal Restaurant as well as hosting partying well into the night at Garage Boston, purportedly Allston’s top night club.

Who knew Allston that has more than one night club, not to mention leave one to wonder about what club might be the runner-up club?

Everyone has as a secret A stolichnaya vodka ad

Everyone has a secret
A Stolichnaya Vodka ad

In any event, both Crystal Restaurant and Garage Boston are located within the same block of property as is LBC Boston’s corporate headquarters at 20 Linden Street in Allston as well as is owned by LBC.

Additionally curious is that it was reported elsewhere that Boston Police busted Crystal Restaurant in February for selling whole bottles of vodka to patrons in violation of the restaurant’s liquor license.

Other serious problems related to this violation of liquor laws were also cited.

Alex matov partnerparty host an lbc boston photo

Alex Matov, partner and party host. An LBC Boston photo

Boston Licensing Board Chair Nicole Murati Ferrer “…  told club manager Alex Matov (and LBC Boston co-managing partner, ed,) at the hearing she was particularly disturbed because she’d called him after seeing an ad for Crystal offering bottle service for Valentine’s Day and told him he couldn’t do that ‘(Y)ou said you weren’t going to do it, and yet here you are doing it.'”

In turn, club manager and LBC Boston co-managing partner Alex Matov apparently expressed confusion.in his defense as to what was allowed and where within the several appended food and entertainment venues.

That and apparently at times breaking into speaking in broken English when their questioning was pointed.

Additionally, Matov’s lawyer then stated at the hearing that “bottle service ‘is important to their culture, to Russian culture,’ and that the society will be seeking permission for bottle service.”

Party animal publisher and stoli drinker a stolichnaya vodka ad

Party animal, publisher and Stoli drinker
A Stolichnaya Vodka ad

One can only logically assume that this demur did not fly with anyone on the Boston Licensing Board.

Especially given that the licensing board members have surely heard it all before as well as probably also all too often.

Boston Licensing Board member Suzanne Ianella also noted that Matov would have to stop selling homemade cranberry vodka as state law requires that restaurants can only buy liquor from licensed wholesalers.

The final outcome?

The Boston Licensing Board imposed a one-day liquor license suspension given the various violations.

At the time of publication, Quincy Quarry was unable to discern if the Boston Licensing Board had made a referral to the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms over this instance of arguable bootlegging.

Untouchable a desilu productions image

A Desilu Productions image

At the same time, the Quarry did find a number of citations that the Boston Licensing Board and other City of Boston entities had previously imposed upon the both the Russian Benevolent Society’s Crystal Restaurant and its Garage Boston operations over all manner of other violations of this and that.

Quelle surprise …

Particularly disconcerting given Quincy’s somewhat recent devastating Old City Hall fire, Boston authorities were found to have cited Garage Boston for various fire exit code shortcomings.

One of the many koch maladministration projects that have run behind scheduled a quincy quarry news photo

Quincy City Hall fire
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

And as for other apparently Russian cultural traditions, Quincy Quarry must only properly also note that Garage Boston would appear to be a high end nightclub that is targeting arguably the MetroBoston area’s Eurotrash demographic for its clientele.

Reasoning underlying the above surmise include that Garage Boston features cage go-go dancers, exotic variations on belly dancers dancing about the club, dance music DJ’s as well as who only knows what all might be going on in the dark corners and restrooms at what is promoted to be Allston’s top nightclub.

A garage boston christmas party cage dancer A garage boston online photo

A Garage Boston Christmas party cage dancer?
A Garage Boston website video still image

While Quincy Quarry is always up for a good time and will thus include Garage Boston among its options for its company Christmas Party later this year, it is not sure how well the Russian Benevolent Society and especially its two subsidiaries will play with locals already as well as understandably skeptical about the deservedly embattled Koch Maladministration.

After all, LBC Boston’s recent proposal for Quincy, albeit since withdrawn, to open up but a simple hookah parlor on Cottage Street opposite Alba Restaurant in Quincy Center went up in smoky in flames.

An ill advised facebook posting by koch spokesmodel walker

An ill-advised old Facebook posting by Koch Spokesmodel Pinocchio Backwalker

Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to embattled the Koch Maladministration’s well-known bon vivant and spokesmodel Pinocchio Backwalker for the usual overwrought – if not also way beyond over the top – over spun spin on Quincy Quarry’s latest exposé about affairs involving City Hall, but then decided why bother.

Expect Quincy Quarry to continue to look into deservedly embattled Mayor Koch’s new Quincy Center redevelopment partners and at least party animal enablers.

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