<![CDATA[City hall still plowed
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy City Hall continues to be thoroughly plowed during this winter with no apparent end in sight at remaining plowed.
While the effort this time was little more than a broken bat lucky bunt response to a but two inch overnight dusting that would have surely melted off by mid-afternoon, City Hall VIP privileges must be maintained even if many locals’ streets have long been reduced to snow-lined single track dog sled tracks.

Mush Slush Whatever  an old dog sled team photo

Mush! Slush? Whatever
An old dog sled team photo

In any event, the record for keeping the City Hall parking lots well-cleared down to the pavement 24/7 since The Blizzard of 2015 is currently two thirds of the way to surpassing Joe DiMaggio’s actually lesser 56 game hitting streak.
Whether – or not – DiMaggio’s even greater 82 year old 61 game minor league hitting streak will be passed remains to be seen; however, do note the following telling hint: Vegas bookies are refusing to take bets.
Single file works during snow emergencya really old photo of a simple best practice

One way single file works during Snow Emergencies
A really old photo of a simple “Best Practice”

As for other streaks of the opposite sort, neither City Hall nor surely but coincidentally Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s brother-in-law Quincy Police Chief Paul “The Beav” Keenan have yet to announce a corrected plan for imposing one way traffic on residential streets in Quincy so as to try something – anything – to attempt mitigate the lousy performance of  the Maladministration’s widely touted as the solution to snow clearing by going with paying private contractors’ by the inch of snowfall.
Apparently, locals have either figured out ways to cope or City Hall does not wish to underscore that this one of the Mayor’s many grand plans has gone the way of his others: into the crapper.
Fortunately the July thaw is just 4 months away.
Unfortunately, so too is the widely expected to then follow arrival of locusts.
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