Iconic City Hall image
A Quincy Quarry file photo
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Then again, City Hall during the past 7 years has been loath to explain anything, especially when called on the carpet for playing around on it or trying to hide things under it.
City Hall has also yet apparently failed to formally remind local property owners that they can apply for reimbursement for damage done to their property by plowed snow plow operators.
Then again, it has only been in the last couple of days that snow has actually been cleared back fair enough for any damage to be done.
Even so, it is still only fair to note that Mayor Koch was cited as responding to one snow-blocked local resident, not that much of anything ever came of it afterwards.
Still, it is far more important to point out that the Koch Maladministration has already inflicted many millions of dollars of damage on longtime suffering local taxpayers.
That and when talking about the Koch Maladministration, failure is the default option.
Expect more Quincy Quarry coverage on the whole snow story that is making the Q even more financially fragile.
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