<![CDATA[Plowed fence  a quincy quarry news photo
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Quincy Mayor Thomas “Cupcakes” Koch to apologize for all of the plowing damage done to his already damaged and ever increasingly looking to be soon but not soon enough legacy?
After all, Braintree Mayor Joseph Sullivan stepped right up and quickly apologized for merely but a single incident of poor plowing in his town and so received considerable favorable ink in the Southshore daily broadsheet for doing so.
Even better, surely Mayor Sullivan humility was rewarded as shortly thereafter he ended up named to the Governor’s special blue ribbon panel that will be conducting a near-death necropsy on the MBTA in coming weeks.

Happier times quincy sun photo

Happier times
A Quincy Sun Photo

Mayor Koch, who is also Chair of the MBTA Advisory Committee, was apparently instead stood up, if not also told that it was him and not me by Governor Baker.
Whatever the case, it would clearly appear that Koch look be continuing to strike out on his long rumored to be long ongoing efforts to grift himself a no heavy lifting but very well-paid sinecure in the Baker Administration after selling out his party allegiance in the wake of previous tangled relationships turmoil.
Thoroughly plowed even on a sundaya quincy quarry news photo

Thoroughly plowed, even on a Sunday
A Quincy Quarry News photo

In any event, Quincy – unlike apparently Braintree – is fraught with scenes of blown off incidents of plowing damage to both private and public property most everywhere this winter in the Q this winter except for the always perfectly plowed down to the pavement 24/7 this winter City Hall employee and long suspected VIP free commuter parking spaces adjacent to City Hall.
That and a few also well-cleared streets around Quincy whereupon certain City Hall-connected or otherwise favored parties surely but coincidentally reside.
To date, however, City Hall has failed to explain why it has often been caught plowed during this winter with any sign of ending anytime soon.
Quincy city hall fortifications construction quincy news photo

Iconic City Hall image
A Quincy Quarry file photo
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Then again, City Hall during the past 7 years has been loath to explain anything, especially when called on the carpet for playing around on it or trying to hide things under it.
City Hall has also yet apparently failed to formally remind local property owners that they can apply for reimbursement for damage done to their property by plowed snow plow operators.
Then again, it has only been in the last couple of days that snow has actually been cleared back fair enough for any damage to be done.
Even so, it is still only fair to note that Mayor Koch was cited as responding to one snow-blocked local resident, not that much of anything ever came of it afterwards.
Another plowed fence  a quincy quarry news photo

Another plowed fence
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Still, it is far more important to point out that the Koch Maladministration has already inflicted many millions of dollars of damage on longtime suffering local taxpayers.
That and when talking about the Koch Maladministration, failure is the default option.
Expect more Quincy Quarry coverage on the whole snow story that is making the Q even more financially fragile.
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