Cherry Hill Construction Company of North Branford CT workers clearing the Pageant Field Parking Lot for Flag Day?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Quincy, on the other hand, is apparently continuing to also inexplicably focus its snow removal efforts at the Pageant Field parking lot, various streets whereupon surely but coincidentally parties connected to Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch reside and – of course – the all but invariably kept clear 24/7 City Hall employee and suspected VIP free commuter parking spaces adjacent City Hall.

Iconic City Hall image
A Quincy Quarry file photo
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Further not addressed was just how long the Koch one way street emergency plan is expected to be in place.
As Backwalker per his usual did not avail himself to well-warranted questioning, locals can only thus fear that many of the residential streets in Quincy will be remain a mess until after both the widely hoped for July thaw as well as innumerable new potholes might be fixed before next winter hits the fan.
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