– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s bromance with now-Governor Charlie Baker would appear to have gone the way of most political partnerships of unilateral convenience.
In the wake of the all but utter collapse of the MBTA this winter, Governor Baker has named a special commission to review the mess that isn’t mass transit and report back to him.

The one fingered salute!
A Statco Communications graphic
Not on the list of appointees, however, was Charlie’s putative new best friend forever Tommy Koch and who just happens to also be the current Chair of the MBTA Advisory Board.
Considering somewhat recent rumors of how desperately Tommy was seeking an appointment by Baker, Tommy was surely crushed over Charlie’s moving on to new blood.
Reasons beside the obvious one – that the election is over – include that the panel has been tasked with a 30 day turnaround for its report whereas Tommy has never meet a deadline of even his own setting, much less one set by anyone else.
Other possible explanations include how Tommy “Cupcakes” Koch hasn’t exactly done a stellar job seeing Quincy recover from the recent snowfalls and so arguably made the T look almost not so bad.
Further, after two years as Chair of the MBTA Advisory Council, a compelling argument could surely be made that Cupcakes is a large lump of the problems at the T, or at least as regards the history of major service cuts that have been imposed upon the Q by the T.
That and his seven years of shortcomings as mayor of Quincy don’t exactly make for a compelling resume either.
Finally, there is the matter of education.
The Governor’s panel include senior officials from both Harvard University and Northeastern University, a chaired professor at Harvard and various others also well-educated, including the surely galling to Cupcakes appointment of Town of Braintree Mayor Joseph Sullivan, who – unlike Koch – actually graduated from college as well as then went on to earn a master’s degree at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Quincy Quarry hoped to reach out for comment from Cupcakes, but he has not been seen since his recent less than compelling radio and TV interviews – not to mention an old NPR interview that will surely be coming back to haunt him in comings weeks and months about his self-proclaimed innovation solution to snow removal from local streets.
One wag cannot help but wonder if Koch has perhaps opted to undertake a media interface coaching seminar at Raygun Prevarications.
That or perhaps the rumor that Cupcakes went to Florida to catch the Sox at Spring Training is actually true.
In any event, residents of the entire Greater Boston metropolitan area will surely find solace that Koch will not be allowed anywhere near Baker’s efforts to see that the MBTA recovers from its recent near death experience.
Expect Quarry Quincy Quarry to continue with its unique style of hard-hitting stories on this winter without any apparent sign of an end for the even longer long-suffering Quincy residents.
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