– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry
Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s plans to build the presumptive Koch Stadium, née Teel Field, at his terminal graduation alma mater North Quincy High School has suffered yet another embarrassing as well as potentially major setback.
Given that Quincy Quarry has sources both high but mostly low, Quincy Quarry is thus able to again report ahead of other media that rumor has it that the Koch Maladministration has again been spanked by the Secretary of State over its refusal to provide the Patriot Ledger with duly requested Public Records tied to this project.
Specifically, the Patriot Ledger requested copies of the so-called outside appraisals that that City Hall sought on the residential housing it plans to obtain and then turn into mostly a parking lot for North Quincy High School as it already owns essentially all of the property for the planned stadium on the current grass soccer/football field at Teel Field.
The Koch Maladministration, however, has refused to turn over the requested items and then was so yet again be told by the Office of the Secretary of State that it must turn over duly requested Public Records per Massachusetts General Law.

One of many Koch Maladministration projects that have run behind schedule
A Quincy Quarry News Photo
This latest expensive mayoral edifice complex project and public relations gaff is further already way behind schedule before a shovel has hit the ground.
The usual Koch-era gala photo op ground breaking was planned for last October, but the gala was postponed when the City was spanked by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for all manner of substantial problems with its deeply flawed but still approved in September permit by the local Conservation Commission.
To date, the Koch Maladministration has yet to return to the Conservation Commission to restart the permitting process anew, although it did seek and so schedule a second extra special Conservation Commission hearing on December 10, only to pull the matter from that meeting’s agenda.
As this point, a second try at a rehearing by the Conservation Commission has yet to be announced.
With winter starting on December 21, it is only reasonable to assume that groundbreaking cannot occur any sooner than next spring, best case – if, that is, the project is duly permitted locally and then approved by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection as well as perhaps also the Army Corps of Engineers.
At minimum, the project is thus already now at least six months behind schedule – and counting.
The reasons for such extensive scrutiny include that the proposed stadium site is in a flood zone and thus significant efforts as well as approvals are variously required before construction might then commence.
Further, to date the Koch Maladministration has yet to provide any indication as to how much more in the way of additional costs to build the currently estimated upwards of $10 million cost to provide an additional 110 or so parking spaces at the high school as well as the stadium complex that it bunglings to date will add to the final cost of the project – if that is, it is both duly permitted and the usual to be expected cost overruns on all Koch projects are then approved for funding by the all but invariably compliant City Council.
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