– News and commentary about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Hancock Adams Common’s new statutes of Hancock and Adams near twins of each other?
Per the discriminating eye of Quincy Quarry’s art critic, the new statues of John Hancock and John Adams are all but fraternal twins, if not identical.
In fact, absent names on their respective podiums and an obvious prop incorporated in Hancock’s statue, one would be hard-pressed to readily which statues is of whom for these two historical figures whose images were often painstakingly portrayed in portraits by accomplished as well as acclaimed artists during their lifetimes before the era of photography.
Plus, the Quarry’s art critic only properly finds both statues both leaden and boring as well as what can only reasonably be expected from a Soviet-era trained Russian émigré sculptor – especially when compared to the far more engaging, enjoyable, evocative and lifelike pair of statues of John Adams and Abigail with a young John Quincy that had long graced Quincy Square but which have yet to be relocated somewhere – anywhere in Quincy – that is duly fitting of these long-beloved statues.

Try to match the images of the new statues to historical portraits painted during their lifetimes.
Conjoined Quincy Quarry images and iconic masterwork paintings
Logically, the statue of Abigail and young John Q should be placed near the Abigail Adams Cairn on Penn’s Hill — since the statue commemorates Abigail and John watching indications of the burning of Charlestown and hearing cannon fire of the Battle of Bunker Hill from that very location.
The statue of John Adams might logically be re-erected … at John Adams’ birthplace or at the summer mansion.
Maybe a light will flash on with city officials and perhaps after a convincing number of committee meetings, public comment hearings, studies by “independent” consultants, official statements, thoughtful head scratching, and brow knitting, these simple conclusions will be reached.
Or maybe the statues will “go missing”. Bronze scrap is currently selling somewhere in the $1.50 – $1.60 per pound price range.
While I suspect you are spot on as regards the impending expensive process, I am not so sure a light will EVER light up among any Kochsters over ANYTHING.
Also, and with all due respect, please note that the Abigail with a young John Quincy and John Adams statues are a matching pair and thus it would be a crying shame to see them not relocated together to a new and appropriate setting which duly honors the brilliance of their sculptor’s inspiration for his engaging creations.