– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
ofo continues to be slow to go.
While out and about on the ever increasingly congested as well as mean streets of Quincy, intrepid Quincy Quarry personnel again happened upon an ofo ride sharing bike today that is apparently still in use in Quincy and thus two weeks after ofo announced it was discontinuing operations in Quincy less than two months after it rolled into the Q.
That and as ofo also bailed out of many other cities worldwide.
Additionally, this ofo bike is still out and about even though the Director of the City of Quincy’s Department of Traffic, Parking, Alarm and Lighting stated that all “(y)ellow ofo bikes will be off Quincy streets by July 27, 2018.”
Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry to continue to monitor this latest shortcoming of the Koch Administration and report on any new developments as might be appropriate.
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