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Ever looking to take a bite out of crime
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Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap:  The Feds go Eleven for Thirteen!

In the hottest news of this hot for a few days week, Federal prosecutors obtained eleven guilty verdicts out of thirteen indictments against the now convicted double and sometimes even triple dipper.

That and who is a soon to be fired Quincy Police Deparatment lieutenant.

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Plaque at the front of Federal Courthouse
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo

While not a perfect run, going thirteen for thirteen in Boston’s Federal Courthouse’s Courtroom Thirteen might have triggered triskaidekaphobia in at least some of the parties tied to these criminal court proceedings.

In any event, the now-convicted Dipper was released on his own recognizance and is currently slated to return to court on seventh of September for sentencing.

Perhaps on this seventh he might feel lucky.

As for other news in the Q, traffic congestion, tearing up just recently redone mayor roadway as well as sighs of relief can be seen or heard around the Q, especially inside of Quincy’s City Hall as well as at One Sea Street.

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Recently repaved street and even newer road work
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo

Quincy Quarry’s ace crime reporter and super sleuth Nancy Drue, however, would suggest that the sighs might be premature.

Given her opening gavel to conclusion of the jury instructions in the double and sometimes even triple dipping trial, her view of things is that the Feds expended a considerable amount of resources to secure convictions on just short of five figures worth of griftings. 

As such, Ms. Drue feels that no one should be surprised if additional indictments of others might follow relatively soon.

Symbol of law and justice in the library law and justice concept

The evidence weighs heavily
A stock photo

Granted, the federal government is not known for frugality, but her sentiments are significantly based on the fact that both much of the evidence as well as the testimony of certain key witnesses would appear to significantly undercut the arguably juxtaposed testimony of certain other witnesses.

At minimum, a solid case can be made that it is still open to speculation as to why the Quincy Police Department actually opened up its investigation of the now-convicted Double Dipper given the wildly conflicting testimony of one key witness as opposed to that provided by two other key witnesses.

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A famous sleuth

That and just who – exactly – apparently “approved” payment(s) to the Dipper on at least a few of the now found to be illegal dips for which sworn testimony and evidence would appear to indicate were duly questioned before payment was made?

Plus, one must also remember that the Feds tend go up the food chain rather than down it.

Regardless, the Quincy Quarry must yet again toot its own horn as its coverage of the now-convicted double dipper’s trial has enjoyed top of the heap rankings by Google.

Then again, long ago Quincy Quarry was top-ranked by Google as its top-ranked source for News about Quincy!

After all, when you are good, you are good.

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