– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy first measured snow event and City Hall is yet again plowed.
As did other area media, Quincy Quarry pulled out all the stops to cover the first measured snow event forecast for the south of Boston coastal communities.
Given that precipitation grounded the Quincy Quarry Newscopter, the Quincy thus planned to let the dogs out and so put its dog sled into service for the first time this season; however, the snowfall was so modest and then followed by rain that the dogs were returned to their kennels and the sled left in its shed.
Instead, Quincy Quarry sent out its hardiest news personnel before the break of dawn to survey the snowfall as well as especially the local municipal response to it.
The findings so found were in line with expectations.
Overall, the snowfall was modest and while major streets had been plowed by around the time that the snowfall turned to rain.
At the same time, some shortcomings were found.
For example, at one Quincy public school, the sidewalk for one of this school’s two major student drop-off and pick-up points as well as the nearby entrance to the school were not yet cleared.
At the same time, it must be noted that snow clearing workers were seen clearing snow. Given the modest snowfall, an adequate clearing of it in time for the start of school was – in turn – only reasonable to view as likely.
On the other hand, as well as per long standing practice, the City Hall VIP parking lot was thoroughly cleared down to the pavement before the first light of day.

City Hall VIP parking lot and City Hall park pedestrian walkway photos
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News exclusive night vision photos
Amazingly, however, was that the City Hall sidewalk that commuters use when utilizing trains and buses was also well-cleared for a change.
Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to City of Quincy Department of Public Works Commissar Dan “Spanky” Raymondi for comment.
Given a close deadline to make the Monday morning edition, it was instead decided not to suffer listening to Spanky go on and on and on and on even more about the hardworking men and (some, ed.) women at the DPW when the ever more increasingly legions of loyal Quincy Quarry readers know better as well as so also miss the morning edition deadline.
In any event, as well as in all fairness, the snow clearing clearance effort surely rates a grade of “B”
While Spanky might care to argue for a higher mark, such is hard to justify as the rain which followed the snow and the relative warm-up forecast for later today after the weekend’s cold weather would have sufficiently cleared the overnight snowfall absent any snow removal effort.
More importantly, at this point one can only hope that this first as well as but modest snowfall will prove to be a productive snow clearing shakedown practice effort and so help local snow responders prepare for more substantial snow storms likely to follow given that this winter’s long term forecast is predicting a colder and higher precipitation winter season.
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