– Quincy news from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Center suffers a street light and tree double massacre.
Over last weekend, both a ornate cast iron street light and a tree were taken in a double massacre by an apparently errant driver in front of the Walter P. Hannon commemorative display at a corner of the intersection of Hannon Parkway and Hancock Street.
As documented by a Quincy Quarry photography crew, sap was strewn about the scene of this latest carnage in Quincy Center.
The malefactor and the underlying basis for this mess, however, is unknown at this time as Quincy Quarry missed the radio call from the disaster scene and how it is probably not universally enjoyed at 1 Sea Street.
Regardless, after multiple stories in Quincy Quarry about problems with streetlights or dead trees in Quincy Center, this recent carnage suggests that the ante for carnage appears to have increased.
Expect Quincy Quarry to continue to cover this manner of breaking events in the Q.
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