<![CDATA[Poll by quincy taxpayers association
– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy new mayoral poll continues to break badly for embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch.
On top of both videoing and then posting on YouTube all of the major mayoral debates this election year, the busy crew at the Quincy Taxpayers Association have undertaken the second known public voter preference poll for the upcoming election.

Pl koch phelan poll

Patriot Ledger preference poll results
A Patriot Ledger graphic

While early in the going, the Quincy Taxpayers Association polling so far continues to eerily reflect the findings of the previous publicly available poll conducted by the Patriot Ledger.
Similarly, while still possessing a seemingly small sample size at this point, the fact of the matter is that sample size of this poll is already more than sufficient to provide a statistically valid sample, not to mention one with a far smaller margin of error than the landslide victory preference indicted by this new publicly available poll.
What is not know, however, is how the embattled incumbent Mayor Koch did in his latest as well as very recent privately commissioned robophone poll conducted by Factotum Productions.
Regardless, expect Quincy Quarry to report out any and all election-related breaking news – and most especially the badly breaking bad new.
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