– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy new mayoral poll continues to break badly for embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch.
On top of both videoing and then posting on YouTube all of the major mayoral debates this election year, the busy crew at the Quincy Taxpayers Association have undertaken the second known public voter preference poll for the upcoming election.
While early in the going, the Quincy Taxpayers Association polling so far continues to eerily reflect the findings of the previous publicly available poll conducted by the Patriot Ledger.
Similarly, while still possessing a seemingly small sample size at this point, the fact of the matter is that sample size of this poll is already more than sufficient to provide a statistically valid sample, not to mention one with a far smaller margin of error than the landslide victory preference indicted by this new publicly available poll.
What is not know, however, is how the embattled incumbent Mayor Koch did in his latest as well as very recent privately commissioned robophone poll conducted by Factotum Productions.
Regardless, expect Quincy Quarry to report out any and all election-related breaking news – and most especially the badly breaking bad new.
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The people of Quincy are done with Kochanomics, high taxes and construction that never endsssssssssssss!
So the PL chooses to ignore the results of a poll conducted by the QTA as well as its own poll – both of which show Koch trailing Phelan miserably (see graphic above) and in spite all of Koch’s serious negatives — a virtually definitive parade of failure — which the PL listed in their “endorsement” of Koch, they still, somehow, have decided to ignore reality and give the current regime the thumbs up. This all seems very strange.
Let’s say you’re trying to sell something, you’re not going to rattle off all the negatives and characterize them as SELLING POINTS … are you? Wouldn’t you want to make a list of all the positive attributes?
I’d be curious to know how much influence the PL’s parent company (Shithouse Media) has exerted on the PL to make this endorsement — and more importantly, if so, why so? Or perhaps the question should be: ‘What influences, exactly, within the PL’s own organization, are responsible for such a bizarre endorsement?’
Let me repeat — this all seems Very Strange.
It’s really very simple to explain.
The Koch campaign spends upwards of $10,000 with the Ledger’s GuanoHouse sibling Propel Marketing, various Kochster special interests threaten to pull their company’s ads out of the PL and a certain senior executive and foodie wannabe at the Ledger is taken out for dinner a few times – done deal.
That and don’t forget how the Ledger’s parent company GuanoHouse continues to struggle to but merely book an occasional quarterly profit since it emerged from bankruptcy 18 months ago as well as its stock price is down by a third from its high in the first quarter of this year (Google: NEWM).
What remains to be seen, however, is if people can read between the lines of an endorsement that is damningly full of faint praise.
Personally, however, I fear that the average Ledger reader has no appreciate for snarq. That and the Ledger hasn’t got the chops to write quality snarq, much less do so at the level that Quincy Quarry delivers each and every day.
Ah, that goes far toward explaining.
Now watch for the PL to “update” its endorsement in an effort to hastily smear some lipstick on the pig.
Now, now – be nice to pigs. The PL, on the other hand . . .
Don’t worry, no one reads it anymore.
Here’s an observation from Ward 1. Seems that houses with Koch signs are most frequently home to Laforest and McFarland signs. It speaks volumes about that pair.
I bet something similar can be found in the other wards, just change the Ward Councilor’s name — Koch, _ _ _ _ _ , McFarland.
Birds of a feather.
Quincy Quarry news teams out in the field confirm your hypothesis.
And here’s another observation: Quincy Quarry suspects that these signs just might be unintentionally instead reminding Ward 1 voters whom not to vote for next week.