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Trump tumbles in latest poll de jure.
A CNN/ORC poll after CNN hosted the latest irreality show GOP candidates debate found support for front runner Donald Trump dropped from 32% to 24%.
While it may be a bit early to assert that Trump has actually jumped the snark, there is no question that the sharks are circling him.
At the same time, this same arguable sweeps week sort of stunt poll by CNN claimed that Carly Fiorina quintupled her support from from 3% to 15% courtesy of the second and CNN-hosted GOP candidates debate and so vaulting up to the number two position in the GOP candidates scrum behind slumping chump Trump.
At the same time, it is only proper to note that essentially all polls taken this early in the primary campaign season are at least as suspect as Hillary’s increasingly suspect explanations about deleting emails from her private email server.
While Trump is looking to again be fired, this time from the GOP primary, a far more likely outcome for Ms. Fiorina is ending up the Vice Presidential running mate with Jeb Bush, one of the but two reasonable adults in the room who are also legitimately qualified to serve as President, not to mention probably about the only female running mate whom Columba would approve.
That and that the long knives of the media as well as the Democratic Party will pound upon her unrelentingly on her forced departure from Hewlett-Packard if she were to somehow or other end up winning the GOP presidential nomination.
And as for the other adult in the GOP candidates’ green room, Quarry Quincy suspects that Ohio Governor John Kasich is surely at least considering Florida Senator Marco Rubio as a Vice Presidential running mate so as to both add some youth to GOP ticket as well as endeavor to appeal to Hispanic voters.
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