– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy City Hall VIP free parking privileges abuse continues?
Per exclusive Quincy Quarry ambush interview photography, it would appear that the Koch Maladministration is continuing to provide without limit – much less requiring the fig leave use of any parking passes – ample free parking for use by apparently flush special interests.
Either that or someone on the City’s payroll is racking up even more overtime than an embattled Mayor Thomas P. Koch cousin who works at the Department of Public Works.
Either way, the ride in question is a roughly $200,000.00 – or more, depending on options – Mercedes Benz SL roadster with the full AMG and thus beyond merely über as well as virtually unlimited speed Autobahn treatment.
This particular ride was photographed one recent morning while it was parked for quite some time in a City Hall employees ONLY use parking space during numerous traffic signs’ designated 8 am to 6 pm City Hall use only time frame with nary a City Hall parking sticker of any sort anywhere to be obviously seen.
At least not without setting off the vehicle’s motion-detecting burglar alarm.
But there was a note on the dash in lieu of a parking sticker.
Obviously, special interests continue to enjoy special treatment in the Q during the era of the Koch Maladministration.
Conversely, the legions of long-suffering locals and local businesses -whose taxes actually cover the overwhelming majority of the nut for City Hall’s all too often profligate spending – continue to all but literally be kicked to the curb by City Hall and where there is virtually no parking space to be found anywhere adjacent to City Hall.
As a result, area businesses continue to struggle managing pick-ups and deliveries, business patrons don’t bother doing business in Quincy Center as they can’t find readily find parking and – especially – the disabled are without access.
So what, apparently, for that ready access for the disabled is mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Instead, those disabled who currently might need parking so they that can readily do business at City Hall, at the City Clerk’s office temporary annex, receive medical care at a major medical facility opposite City Hall or for anything else they need or merely just want to do elsewhere around City Hall are all but out of luck.

Ultimate Massachusetts get out of jail free sticker tagged
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better see The Sticker
Further appalling, Quincy Police Department Parking Enforcement badge and shoulder patch wearing meter men – who inexplicably instead report to Public Works Commissar Dan “Spanky” Raymondi – are currently ticketing vehicles with a vengeance.
So vigilant have been the meter men’s previously as well as all too often indifferent efforts that one sporting the ne plus ultra get out jail free hacktocracy window sticker.
As such, virtually no one who does not have a City Hall employee parking sticker or is not a City Hall VIP visitor dare park in City Hall’s reserved parking spaces in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station – not even after City Hall has closed up for the day at its traditionally early 4:30 PM closing time.
As for how much longer unconnected locals can expect parking scarcity in Quincy Center and conversely ample parking grifting provided to City Hall VIP’s, such will likely continue until at least the end of the year – and even then only given a change in administration care of the upcoming elections.
Either that or if in the meanwhile outside oversight authorities opt to lower the boom on the Koch Maladministration over this latest of its many as well as all but utter disregards of the rules.
Parking permits? We don’t need no stinkin’ parking permints! We are FOK!