Iconic photo of fire-ravaged City Hall
A Quincy Quarry file photo
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In particular, one of the Quarry’s legions of understandably kept anonymous sources have advised it that both Presidents Place and one of its major tenants, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, are besides themselves over the loss of the heavily used handicapped and ambulance parking spaces formerly in front of their building.
For reasons yet to be acknowledged by the Koch Maladministration, the City of Quincy has apparently failed – as usual – to duly effect appropriate alternative arrangements as per applicable obligations after these much used disabled parking and ambulance spaces were eliminated.
Among other binding obligations, federal American with Disabilities Act rules and regulations.
So what also, apparently, for the fact that this street misalignment project was funded via a federal grant.
Alternatively, City Hall continues to vigorously protect its reserved parking turf in its reserved parking lot in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station.
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Don’t they cover eye exams for Quincy Hack DPW workers?