– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Quarry’s cutting as well as cutting edge scoops continues to be reprised by other Metro Boston Media.
Most recently, the SouthShore broadsheet cribbed Quincy Quarry’s recent scoop that the City of Quincy had Q’ed up yet again – this time on its way late implementation of a temporary one way street traffic plan in the wake of this winter’s snow storms.
The broadsheet even went so far as to stage its story’s featured photograph at the exact same venue as the Quarry photographed in its original coverage.
Then a local TV network news affiliate “inexplicably” picked up on the same story.
In this coverage, the television station’s reporter deserves kudos for actually managing to access Department of Public Works Commissar Dan “Spanky” Raymondi for comments, however laughable they were, as the Quarry has in recent weeks suspected that Spanky might be lost in a snow bank and perhaps somewhere near Ward One’s perennially lost ward heeler.
Either that or he was hiding out as per the orders of the Koch Maladministration in City Hall in the wake of the City’s utterly dropping the snowplow this winter other than keeping City Hall well-plowed 24/7 while running up record bills for taxpayers while city workers and others feeding at the public trough played around with snow.
Given that turnabout is only fair, Quincy Quarry will now crib from the broadsheet’s reporting that the City of Quincy has spent over $10 million on snow removal clearing to date and then add that the Quarry’s crack-addled financial analysts are now upping their previous conservative $9 million snow removal and plow damage costs estimate up to a minimum final figure of at least $11 million.
In turn, when this $11 million figure is all but assuredly proven to be valid – if not also again a conservative projection, such spending would be over 6 times what was budgeted for snow clearing expenses in Fiscal Year 2015.
With increasingly little likelihood of much – if anything at all – in the way of federal emergency relief funding, Quincy Quarry’s projected snow spending overage eventually works out to a further projected estimated $250 surcharge on the average local property tax bill in Calendar Year 2016 and/or the need to implement comparable net offsetting cuts in local services provided during Fiscal Year 2016.
So much, apparently, for Mayor Koch’s cocksure claim while a featured panelist on a National Public Radio interview panel four years ago that he had come up with an innovative plan for oh-so cost-effectively resolving snow clearing for the City of Quincy.
Expect Quincy Quarry to follow up on this story until someone ends up tossed into a snowbank or at least is kicked to the curb.
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