Connecticut Yankees in King Koch’s Court?
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The Quarry analytical team is at the same time questioning one city official’s statement that the City is (only, ed.) spending $250,000.00 a day to clear snow around town given that earlier multiple day clean up cost totals clearly suggest that the City was spending almost twice as much on a daily basis in the days following The Blizzard of 2015 through to the conclusion of the Ground Hog Storm.
Then again, City Hall spending data have long been, well, a Joch for anyone who actually knows how to review financial documents whenever, that is, City Hall screws up and so actually lets the public see any of its often creative books.
Regardless, absent a not likely going to happen provision of much – much less significant – federal disaster funding assistance in the wake of this winters storms, local homeowners should prepare for being hit with a currently estimated $200 snow removal surcharge on the average single family home property tax bill in 2016.
How much more will be the expected concurrent regular increase in local property tax bills to cover the Fiscal Year 2016 budget overspending remains to be seen.
In the meanwhile, the current Quincy Quarry office pool has set the expected surcharge over and under figure at $300.

Iconic City Hall image
A Quincy Quarry file photo
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Combined, figure on a $500 increase on the average 2016 residential property tax bill as a reasonable opening guesstimate for budget planning purposes.
In turn, this works out to a roughly 10% increase on the current 2015 average single family local tax bill.
Needless to say, local property owners should plan accordingly, especially as City Hall isn’t exactly known for planning ahead.
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