<![CDATA[City hall messacre cleared
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy City Hall continues to maintain its perfect record of seeing to it that its employee and suspected VIP commuter free parking lots are perfectly plowed to down the pavement all but 24/7 even before the latest and so-called Valentine’s Day Blizzard was finished laying waste to everywhere else in the Q.
Not since the Boston Celtics of the legendary Bill Russell era has any Massachusetts-based organization maintained such a record of perfection.

City hall messacre cleared

City & suspected VIP free commuter parking plowed yet again on a Sunday morning storm day before a City Hall Snow Day.
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Unfortunately, the range of this perfect record of perfect plowing does not extend past the handful of dozens of parking spaces kept well plowed even on City Hall Snow Days, weekends and holidays other than a few select streets whereupon surely but coincidentally senior local officials reside.
Quincy Quarry promises to continue to cover this amazing performance until it might perhaps come to an end around the widely hoped for perhaps by July thaw.
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