– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch narrowed missed causing himself to be rear-ended while he was driving in ways at least carelessly cavalier in Quincy Center this morning shortly after 11 AM .
Eyewitnesses, whom Quincy Quarry is keeping anonymous for their own safety, saw the Mayor’s new ride pull onto Washington Street, southbound, from Foster Street – only to then back up northbound roughly 6 car lengths at speeds upwards of an estimated 20 miles an hour so that he could park illegally in front of Central Baptist Church.

Illegal parking after illegally driving
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on Image to better see parking outside of parking lines
As a result of Mayor Thomas Koch’s apparent disregard for traffic safety at a time when he has asked locals to drive safely, an SUV heading south on Washington had to swerve – and almost into ongoing traffic – to avoid rear-ending the backwards driving mayor driving dangerously on a busy street.
Given that it has sources high but mostly low, Quincy Quarry was able to see the mayor and one of his many coatholders race away from the scene of the near accident and then disappear into Koch Studios, formerly known as Quincy (Community, ed.) Access Television (“QATV”).
As for the hurrying about while arguably also jaywalking from a near-accident scene, one can only logically assume that the mayor was not only in a hurry to flee the scene, but also hurrying along to video his weekly propaganda puff piece of arguable as well as often laughable hagiography before one of his four favorite meals of the day.
This assumption was later arguably supported when the mayor’s vehicle was later seen pulling out at 11:55 AM and one can thus only logically assume that he probably made it to lunch on time.
Where, however, is unknown as the mayor speed off as only someone ravenous would drive given the condition of the variously dangerous and increasingly mean streets of the Q.
And as for the suspected video op videoing at Koch Studios of a well-known photo op addict, the video was surely produced in the hope of fooling the many locals still left shut-in given that many local streets are still little more than dog sled tracks even though it is now 11 days after the last truly significant local snowfall.
The joke, however, is surely on Mayor Koch as surely even those deep in the throes of Snow Daze can spot a wicked obvious laugh after weeks stuck housebound watching endless reruns of the Brady Brunch on cable and/or cathartically contemplating how best to dynamite clear their snowplow-buried frozen solid sidewalks.
Is that the Kochmobile?
As the bumper stickers say, “Quincy has a Koch problem”
He runs the city of Quincy like he drives: “BACKWARDS”
What a fright….I mean sight to behold.
“The horror, the horror.”